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- Written by Super User
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 10741
Project Template Create is Freeware - Please support this development!
This template is Freeware and I have not intention to commercialize this template.
But the development and hosting of this site generates some costs - therefore if you like my work and if it helps you to organize and plan your projects I invite you to donate a little amount which is very welcome. The donation is not a guarantee for any support or something else.
Also with a donation you don't have any claim for anything.
Thank you!
Support via bank account
You can show your support by IBAN/BIC bank transfer to:
Roger Heckly
Heinrichstrasse 219
8005 Zürich
Bank: Migros Bank AG, Postfach 1, 8010 Zürich Müllingen
IBAN: CH46 0840 1016 1684 4070 6
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 24164
Download the latest version
Current Version:
Older Versions:
Check the version history here.
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 38030
Thank you for using Project Template Creator.
Hi, my name is Roger. I'm developing this Excel Template in my off time. There are still ideas and open points to implement and if you have also some feedback, if you found some bugs, so please don't hesitate to give me some feedback.
But please be aware, that I don't guarantee that your feedback will be implemented in the next version etc.
Use this address to contact me via email. I try to read your messages, but leave it open to not answer all mails.
A support forum is not yet activated, will be if the questions will raise up.
I'm not taking any responsibilities / accountability for anything about using this excel template. Also if some bugs will destroy your project plan etc. will not be covered by me. Using this template will be in fully charge or yourself.