Today I want to show a possible way to automate regular standardized reporting - as a monthly Project Status report could be.
If you know the following Szenario well, then maybe this solution could be something for you:
- ProjectPlan is maintained in Excel
- Risks are maintained in Excel
- Cost Controlling is maintained in Excel
- Ressourceplanning is maintained in Excel
- All charts are created in Excel
But you have to deliver on a regular basis a PowerPoint presentation because the Steering Committee want so. Therefore you copy all information with updated data into a PowerPoint. Titles have to be adjusted to the new month etc.
Ok, I agree, the easiest way would be to come away of this PowerPoint reporting, but if there is no option to do so, an automation would be fun, right? - then continue reading.
PPTGo - Move Excel Content to PowerPoint |
With this Approach content like text, formatted Excel-ranges and Excel Charts can be moved to a specific PowerPoint slide, fill slide titles with a predefined text in Excel (e.g. a formula with actual month name in), also some risks are already valuated and text is written in Excel, the Milestones are described, arguments for the additional costs are written, so all this information can be moved to a specific TextBox on a specific slide.
And all this without any programming - just customize a worksheet in your Excel and click the button - wait for it.... it's gonna be Magic... the PowerPoint is filled with your content from Excel.
The big Advantage what I see is:
- You maintain all information in the source - which is your Excel
- The PowerPoint is created always the same way - charts etc. are at the same position with same size (no manual printscreens)
- If you have to correct some costs - you correct it in Excel and just let the creation process do the work again, and again, and again
- No titles are wrong anymore - with formulas in Excel etc. you never miss to update a slide title with the current month
- Information is freezed in PowerPoint
All are now happy - you don't have anymore Manual work to prepare the Project reports, and the managers can get their lovely PowerPoint.
Maybe you have other areas where this could be helpfull? E.g. monthly financial reportings? Write me some ideas where you see this Approach as a help.
Watch the Video to get an idea what I'm talking about.
You can download the files from here. The Excel file includes the macro and also the Customize Tab "PPTGo" where you see the settings for the demo. Also the empty PowerPoint which has to be filled is there. Download all files, copy them into the same Folder and click on the Button on "PPTGo". Enjoy and have fun.
Projects can be colorful!
Thank you
Roger Heckly
Check the video how you can create dependend tasks - so all are adjusted when you change the start date. Also you can create a milestone which is at the end of the whole task group.