Setting description
ID | 00076 | ||||
Name | Which Swiss public holidays should be shown | ||||
Available values |
Default value | Check below list | ||||
Description |
You can define which Swiss Public Holiday should be recognized as public holiday and define the text which should be inserted as comment (if 00053 - Insert Values AS is either [Only comment] or [Comment and format]) At the moment only public holidays for Switzerland are automatically calculated. If you want additional public holidays recognized, then you have to insert them in the worksheet [Predefined] in the public holidays section. |
Prerequisite | 00050 - Show Public Holidays must be Yes 00051 - Show Specific Country Holidays must be Yes 00052 - Country must be Switzerland 00055 - Format Public Holiday Column to format the public holiday column |
Swiss public holidays and default values / description
Default |
Default Text for comment |
Yes | Neujahr |
No | Dreikönigstag |
Yes | Karfreitag |
Yes | Ostersonntag |
Yes | Ostermontag |
Yes | Tag der Arbeit |
Yes | Auffahrt |
Yes | Pfingstmontag |
Yes | Nationalfeiertag |
No | Fronleichnam |
No | Allerheiligen |
No | Buss- und Bettag |
No | 1. Advent |
No | 2. Advent |
No | 3. Advent |
No | 4. Advent |
Yes | 1. Weihnachtstag |
Yes | 2. Weihnachtstag |