Setting description

ID 00077
Name Insert bridging days as public holidays
Available values
Default value  

With this setting you can define if by default bridging days should be recognized by default as public holidays. You also can change the text which is inserted in the comment (if 00053 - Insert Values AS is either [Only comment] or [Comment and format])

At the moment only the "Freitag nach Auffahrt" is defined as a bridging day. If you want additional bridging days recognized, then you have to insert them in the worksheet [Predefined] in the public holidays section.

Prerequisite 00050 - Show Public Holidays must be Yes
00051 - Show Specific Country Holidays must be Yes
00052 - Country must be Switzerland
00055 - Format Public Holiday Column to format the bridging days column


Bridging days and default values / description

Show Yes/No
Text for comment
 Yes Freitag nach Auffahrt