Category: Version History
Hits: 10403

Coming soon



New version 3.1.01 available - check download here

Bugfix: When you have selected a monthly view with more than one year, then the conditional formatting only compared the month. Therefore the markers were always in both years. 

Now the function  subFmtColumnsTasksMonthly inserts the conditional formating rule to compare the month and year - with the function text(..., "JJJJMM")



New version 3.1.00 available - check download here

Did you miss the possibilitiy to define a color to create a group header line? We too! Have a look in the new setting, what this means:



New version 3.0.07 available - check download here

Now you can add a multiple date column - e.g. for absences - today if someone has three single absencec, three task lines needed to be iserted. A single line where all absences are entered is now implemented with automated formating of all different dates in the project plan. Simplify and make it more clear ,-)



New version 3.0.01 available - check download here.

Now you can change the language to German - even you're able to add additional languages by your own.



New version 2.0.17 available - check download here.

The following changes have been made:



New version with completed help is available: 2.0.14 - check download here.



Latest version is 2.0.13